Arden Nail Dust Collector And Solvent Vapour Adsorber
ARDEN Nail Desk Vent
The nail desk vent is another product of the Arden company involvement with indoor air quality and dust and fume containment. The dust and solvent vapours generated in the nail enhancement industry can trigger asthma, contact dermatitis and effect the eyes and nose of the technician. Collecting these products at the source reduces these potential problems dramatically. Simply recirculating air around a salon with minimal fresh air dilution is not the best answer, as many of the fine dust particles remain suspended in the air and are of a size that can be drawn into the lungs. The dust collecting component of the Arden desk vent can be fitted to the underneath of any desk top, the only provision needed is an appropriate cut out. The solvent vapour absorber and fan box is floor mounted at one end of the desk
- Designed by cleanroom and containment Engineers.
- Collection velocity 0.3 – 0.5 m/sec.
- Dust collection air filter
- Average efficiency >35% No1 test dust
- Average arrestance >85% No4 Test dust
- Vapour adsorption by activated carbon.
- Adsorption >90%.
- Residence time greater than 0.1 seconds.
- Replaceable collection filters.
- High capacity (50mm) carbon filter.
- Easily replaced carbon cartridge.
- Fits to underside of work table (with cutout).
- Fan and carbon housing at floor level.
- Air directed away from customer and technician.
- It works!
- Assessed by Victorian Worksafe
- Minimal dust in work area.
- Reduced respiratory problems.
- Reduced inflammation of eyes, nose, throat and lungs
- Retains efficiency and velocity.
- 1 to 2 years life dependant on usage.
- Simple hand tools.
- Down draft collection.
- Low noise.